3D Modeling

I frequently use 3D modeling as a tool for rapid prototyping, creating small components to help develop projects and test various designs. I also do 3D modeling as a personal hobby, creating characters and environments to be used in online social platforms that feature user-generated content.

The character shown here was created by me from scratch over a couple weeks. The model was sculpted in ZBrush, finalized and rigged in Blender, and textured using Substance Painter. It was then exported and set up in Unity for real-time VR applications.

An online multiplayer battle game for mobile platforms I worked on over the course of a semester with a team of 8.

“Ragdoll Royale is a multiplayer fighting game where players inhabit the bodies of dolls to hurl pain at each other using supernatural powers. Time stops when this game starts, so hang up your coat and pick up your needle to draw a path to victory.”

As one of our team’s designers, my duties included:

  • Writing design documentation specifying UX, UI, visual style, design philosophy, and more

  • Building paper prototypes and running tests to gather player feedback

  • Developing user interfaces and tailoring the user experience for a mobile platform

  • Creating assets and designing levels

  • Assisting with programming duties when needed

Cornell University
CS4152: Advanced Game Design
Spring 2022

Role: Designer, Artist


I spent a semester working with 3 other students to research, design, and prototype a mock mobile application. The goal of our proposed product was to help college students with dietary restrictions manage their nutritional health. As part of this process, we recruited and interviewed Cornell students with a wide variety of dietary restrictions, both medical and ethical, to better understand the needs of this diverse user group.

Using an affinity diagram, we analyzed the data to identify common issues held by our users that we might be able to address. We brainstormed to come up with a large number of potential features, then consolidated the best ideas into a single product.

We then produced multiple Figma prototypes at increasing levels of fidelity, conducting user testing and receiving feedback at each step of the process. The final product was a high-fidelity interactive Figma prototype, demonstrating 5 different user flows that fit the needs of our users while being intuitive and easy to use.

Cornell University
INFO3450: Human Computer Interaction
Fall 2022

Role: User Research, UX/UI Design


A short puzzle game for Windows and Mac that I worked on with a team of 8 over the course of a semester during my undergraduate studies at Cornell.

“In a futuristic world now overrun by forests and left as ruins, low energy golems stumble about aimlessly. Players control a phoenix spirit that revitalizes and charges each golem upon possession. The goal of the game is to possess each golem at least once in each level in order to bring them back to life without overcharging them. Players must navigate the level by strategically positioning golems and executing difficult shots to reach other golems.”

As our team’s lead designer, my duties included:

  • Determining a visual style and maintaining a cohesive style across multiple artists

  • Delegating tasks between the team’s designers

  • Writing design documentation specifying UX, visual style, design philosophy and more

  • Building paper prototypes and running tests to gather player feedback

  • Creating assets and designing levels

Cornell University
CS3152: Intro to Game Design
Spring 2020

Role: Lead Designer, Artist